10 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

We set down our resistance, relax the tightly woven filters, heal the ancestral wounding, and let the Seeds infuse our Being. We breathe it in, filling ourselves to the brim with possibility. It is in this moment we realize that the world surrounding us is a product of our own creation, and it’s the moment we begin to set ourselves free. This is one of the most powerful cards in the deck because it shows we can be surrounded by gifts, magic and love – our dreams come true - and yet we cannot hold this abundance, feel its delicious weight, if we do not give gratitude and acknowledge the magic and love that dwell within us. We contain multitudes, we are fluidly many things, we embody a rainbow-hued spectrum of energy and experience. What abides within us is what abides within the Universe.      

Rx: to have the life we most truly desire, we must first experience what is beyond the life we currently live. Shake the old paradigms, question everything, trust and believe in what we do not yet know. Adventure and discovery calls - call back loudly! 








Further Exploration:


9 - Gratitude


0 - Freedom