3 - Freedom

Major Minor Court

Guilt, shame, blame. This is not our fault, but the only way to allow for the healing, for the wound to stich up, is to extract spines of mistruths. The first embedded itself when it was allowed into the psyche, a most essential thing to protect that lay unguarded. 

The second pierced by following the easy path of its brethren - fool me once, fool me twice…this is a lesson - learn from it as such. 

The third spine is hollow and will not abide long, because now we know how this pain comes in and, as when one is ensnared on the hooked thorn of a rose, the way to release is to back our way out.     

In Reverse – let the spines fall out on their own accord. There is nothing they can hold onto when we are actively doing The Work to truly know ourselves. This is possible through practices of mindfulness, perhaps by breath and movement, to ground out foreign energies. Employ the skills we have been taught so that others who are suffering may learn from this example.  








Further Exploration:


2 - Freedom


4 - Freedom