8 - Freedom

Major Minor Court

Your mind is a most powerful thing. The epicenter of a formed thought creates a ripple effect, extending through matter, time and space to generate a wave of theory in all directions. The particles of Knowing follow that ripple to reach the others. 

When we keep our thoughts at a low, dense frequency - we weigh down the superconscious. In juxtaposition, when we arrive with curiosity, positivity and resilience we are enabled to subtly generate transformative change. 

This is a time on our small, drifting planet unlike any experienced before. It is easy to feel trapped by forces that feel far heavier and more powerful than us. But the greatest potential for creating transformative change now, and for the cosmos to come, is with our own thought. Use these powers wisely.

In Reverse – over time, we recognize that the bars we believe keep us captive are, in truth, negativity hardening into a state of mind. Dissipate this barrier by self-inquiry and a dismantling of cultural constructs, (racism, capitalism, misogyny, phobias). Make reparations. Enter into activism. Endlessly question what is accepted as “how things are.” 








Further Exploration:


7 - Freedom


9 - Freedom