0 - Courage

Major Minor Court

A sulphuric salamander of impulse, the Heartline hits the solidity of matter and something new crackles into form. The heat it emits, the light it provides, helps us to see the earthly vessels we abide within for what they truly are – epic, cosmic batteries. Generators of creativity, change and Courage. 

To undertake such an immense life is no easy task, and to do this with integrity, compassion and strength – we rely on Courage to guide our actions. The initial spark of Ace is the mental and moral fortitude we’ll need to do this right. As we blow upon its mysterious embers we begin to feel, from deep within our solar plexus, reverberating resonance. A pound of drums calling in the powers and elements that set us alight. The rhythm is our own heart, setting off a field of energy three feet in all directions from our body. Pulsating and vibrating with kinetic magic that viscerally desires to dance with the stars.          

Rx: the glowing ember of what Could Be is obscured by the seemingly impossible obstacle of What Is. Do not let this opportunity smolder out by doubt or uncertainty. A spark must be tended to and nourished to thrive. 








Further Exploration:


Intuition - Teacher


2 - Courage