2 - Courage

Major Minor Court

An energy that matches and amplifies our resonance appears at our side, moving in parallel as we navigate our pursuance of our path. 

Much of what we desire to create can be done by our own volition and breadth of Courage. And yet, far more is possible when someone shares our Vision, boosts the signal, reflects back to us the power that abides unseen. Allow this parallel and resist any grip of scarcity that threatens. This second Heartline is of highest and best service to what we want to manifest, but it runs along our side temporarily. Not all relationships last for full lifetimes; some ignite and extinguish as they are meant to. This will be one of them.          

Rx: if we aren’t cognizant of its potential, Courage can dissipate as swiftly as it’s ignited.

The twinflame is not recognized, and the mirroring energy fizzles back into the earth. Don’t despair, energy can be raised as swiftly as it is grounded. It does not begin or end, simply shifts into where it is next intended. Create more awareness and articulation around what’s needed for the work to get done, the clearest echo of diligent efforts. Ask Spirit in the most specific, direct language possible for what is desired. Shouted aloud or spoken silently within, “Great powers that exist, beyond what eyes can see and ears may hear. __x__ is needed for __y__ to come into form. This, or something better. Blessed be!”  








Further Exploration:


0 - Courage


3 - Courage