3 - Courage

Major Minor Court

It is essential to celebrate what we create. To take a moment steep in the present and bless this thing that has come into form! In a culture focused on production, oriented in linear vertical movement and centered on goal acquisition – it’s just as easy to let the moment go by. It takes Courage to hold still and allow for what comes up, and it’s not unusual to experience a sense of emptiness or loss when we release what we’ve created out into the world to watch what it becomes outside of our heart and mind. 

In the creative process, the question forever posed is anything truly “done?” The presence and pause of III, (mystical synthesis of I and II - hallowed in many cultures as a number of great potency), is a flash of clairvoyance to see a little further into possibility. This is good, maybe it could be better. Doesn’t make it wrong. Does make it ripe. We have the capacity to eschew restraints and conditions to explore just what else is possible in the disarray of reworking something that already, for all intents and purposes, works.          

Rx: we assess what we’ve created and - though we and see where we could expand it, queer it, shake it - we acknowledge that this isn’t the right time to tackle something more. Whether it be physical circumstance or centering of mental health, when we are living a heart-led life we know it’s good to call it Good – and leave it alone. 

For now. 








Further Exploration:


2 - Courage


4 - Courage