4 - Courage

Major Minor Court

One of the most potent cards in the deck, the four of Courage is the voice echoing back to us when we joyfully call into an ancient cave. Wildness, optimism and exuberance when framed intentionally resounds and expands into something magic and endless. It begins with us and encompasses far more. 

When we set the framework of the four, we can truly make matter come into form. Structure allows for creativity and creation to have something to bound around within, gathering energy and density. Four strokes of paint on a blank canvas, the start of motion and reference of dimension. A less intimidating place to begin.

Activism, pleasure, union and communion all beat from the same courageous heart to carry us along it’s resonance. All are acts of combination. All are opportunities to make something new.         

Rx: the structure remains unchanged, but the resonance is more subtle. Perhaps we are in a space where the joy found in the four is unique to us, and a little too heady just yet for the masses. This doesn’t diminish it. If anything it increases the potency as a flame we cup in our own hands. Bringing it close to our face for warmth, illumination, and acknowledgement of our individual celebration.








Further Exploration:


3 - Courage


5 - Courage