5 - Courage

Major Minor Court

The hissing rivulets of the Heartlines crash and entangle together, setting of incendiary sparks of outrage. This feels unfair and over the top, because it is. We have found ourselves in a conflict that is more superficial, performative drama over anything with real substance. This is not the core of the issue at hand. Emotions run high like this when, in our vulnerability, we don’t want to face the emotion head-on. We create a smokescreen of chaotic diversion. 

Allow for this eruption of energy to occur and when the smoke clears, re-evaluate what is truly needed to feel seen, heard and understood. Cultivate self-compassion for us, and empathy for them. Consider that the most impactful voice in the room does not have to be the loudest. Witness how the energy shifts when the other needs to lean in close, whorl of ear and stretch of neck exposed, to hear what you have to say.         

Rx: we are embroiled in surface level conflict that, though shallow subterfuge, continues to be dragged out. Focusing on it and struggling with it has become a waste of energy and resources. Unless we can call it for what it is and address the true issue; we are better off dropping it and moving on to something more requiring of our attention. 

Or allow the tantrum to play out on its own time, with no attachment to how it defines us.








Further Exploration:


4 - Courage


6 - Courage