0 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

The soul of the Seed is pulled from the soft fecundity of the dark and into the light of the upper world. A gift of hope, possibility and abundance floats towards us. 

The Seed is the expression of the Earth’s inherent magic. It needs no fancy adornments, no flowery incantations. It simply is wholly of itself, a present presence. Its alchemy is not laborious, nor is its meaning obscure. It simply is.         

Rx: we do not always accept what is freely given. Perhaps we are nursing old wounds, are embroiled in disagreement with someone we love, or feel as if the Universe has turned its back on us. Feelings are valid, however – feelings are not always facts. To be in Gratitude is to receive with grace. What would it feel like to unlock the heart and allow Gratitude to quietly enter?








Further Exploration:


10 - Courage


2 - Gratitude