2 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

The Seeds come into circuitous alignment, allowing us to exist in a “both/and” space. We are both/ fulfilled /and curious, both/ balanced /and fluid, both/ connected /and connecting. By not gripping tightly to expectation, rather allowing for spaciousness in our thoughts and actions - co-creation easily flows into our daily tasks. Yes, life’s lessons can be learned the hard way; but isn’t it far more enjoyable to be in the practice of conscious existence by opening to pleasure, levity and joy in the mundane?          

Rx: we exist in a culture of Doing. More often than not we are up to the task, but there will be times that we can do more with less. Consider how we can be of better service with simple, single, intention-filled efforts. When considering the tasks at hand, release from the forced completion of task two before being able to move forward. What is here is all that is needed. 








Further Exploration:


0 - Gratitude


3 - Gratitude