1 - Magician

Major Minor Court

As above, so below; may it be so. Spirit descends through the body and is channeled into our physical labors to realize hopes and dreams. 

We are in the work of Magician when we tonify the skillset required to be a true channel, directing the experience of power by our force of Will. Spirit enters by the Particles of Knowing, is shunted through our systems of belief, and grounded by creative expression. To try to dam or contain it is to invite sepsis. There is always the opportunity for energy to flow through us by the offering of our service to the Collective. When our power is shared it is strengthened, and it is with this strength that we are capable of divination. 


Here again, we see the cosmic orb of Eros – animating our earthly experience and allowing power to elegantly move through us to make a better world. Remember that depending upon the body we abide in, the initial distribution of power differs. That is not a choice of Spirit, it is instead a conditioned expectation of culture. We name and rectify this whenever possible in our evolving understanding of privilege. Recognizing what we are born with, what is afforded to us, and what must be returned or reclaimed by those in rightful stewardship. 

Water moves in and out of our cells in attempts to balance imposed distribution and achieve homeostasis. Equanimity. Power in its purest form is no different. Become aware of the power in your life. Identify what is desired. Direct attention towards it. Observe what may come into being. 


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


0 - Fool


2- High Priestess