2- High Priestess

Major Minor Court

The internal world of High Priestess is a roil of vaporous clouds. Coalescing, distilling, releasing, evaporating, and then the cycle repeats. Each time the particulate matter gathers. Under the gaze of our observation, it brings with it the realization of something new. By this, knowledge builds by subtle, quiet cultivation. 

This is the practice of honing our Intuition. 

For most of us, Intuition doesn’t announce itself by a booming, unseen voice in our ears. Few experience tripped out, hallucinogenic visions. Only a handful remember the prophetic dreams that come with the REM cycle flutter of eyelids. But, all of us are intuitive. All of us. We simply are compelled to move too quickly. Are accosted on all sides by cacophonic noise. Blinded by epileptic flashes of man-made light. One cannot hear a single word answer whispered behind a closed hand, or recognize the settling of our insides when the choice is right, if we are constantly in a state of frenetic flight. 


The external world of High Priestess is glassy stillness. They sit, poised at the edge of earthly knowledge and aqueous unknown, to see what will come into form. They do not grasp for it, or doubt their ability. They simply watch, wait, and refuse to be rushed; for the only task at hand is to be present in the present moment. 

While holding an inward gaze, High Priestess invites us to synchronize to their breath patterns that hush like steam. To arrive at deep quiet as the outside world becomes muffled in fog. 

And listen for nothing at all.


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


1 - Magician


3 - Empress