3 - Empress

Major Minor Court

The receptive chalice of the Great Mother is where the archetype of Empress pools. In this warm, sensual place we are encouraged to experience our emotions for exactly what they are, rather than intellectualize what we think they ought to be. 

The calculative practice of exchange is something we are long ago taught to tally in order to make our worth tangible. To act purely upon instinct, without inhibition, and willingly receive? A wild act far easier said than done. Many of us have been instructed entire lifetimes about what femininity looks like, what softness feels like, and how much abundance is appropriate to fill our cup. 


The rigidity of these constructs is not easy to relax, and yet the passion of Empress wants nothing more but to hold and nourish us in a radiant river of warmth. A sensation adhering only to the rolling rhythm of a life lived celebrating, and integrating, the Natural World - no matter the prior conditioning. It carries us along joyously, experiencing fully, so that the outer world may be so deeply felt that we gladly settle like silt when we reach the Sea of Renewal, (what some may call Death), heavy with satisfaction.

Empress is Love unconditional. All they desire is to give us the beauty, fertility and life we deserve. Receive their blessings with palms wide and lips parted. 


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


2- High Priestess


4 - Emperor