4 - Emperor

Major Minor Court

The amorphous solidity of Emperor moves like a cumulonimbus cloud, billowing in profile across the sky. Towering and dense; both a maker of change and an anchor point of familiarity. 

It is the sacred duty of this archetype to protect the Natural World and, as we are Nature, we are enfolded into their benevolent guard. Emperor helps us conceptualize and understand how we are to navigate society. Boundaries and stability of a just society can provide framework within which we may creatively careen, or solidly build upon our emotional life with certainty. When basic needs are provided for by established customs, we are enabled to live with more joy and less struggle.   


We are quick to see how this inverse when power is misused. It is far more difficult to advance, gain prosperity, or simply have the capacity to want for more if the framework is not designed to work in our favor. This is power of Emperor warped and is not Its true nature. 

Emperor, “Ancient of Days,” is a champion for equality and possibility. For the opportunity for all life to thrive. Rooted in benevolent power with sight set far, far to the horizon. A guardian of Mother Earth, believer in humanity, warrior for peace. 


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


3 - Empress


5 - Chorus