5 - Chorus

Major Minor Court

In the synthesis of our instinctual selves – in understanding what is strong, just and of benefit to the Collective -  we have many, many questions. In the quest for resolution, we seek the guidance of our peers. A Chorus.

When we are ready for this guidance to come into our life we must ask plainly, humbly, openly. With ego pushed to the side, and mind open to discovery.  


These guides arrive in a myriad of forms and may not always be what we are taught to expect. They may or may not be human. Their messages may come on the wind, within the pages of a book, or an initiation into an experience. They may present as science or religion, dogma or the occult, plant person or animal person. 

The importance lies in the centered knowledge that instruction will always be a direction, not a dictation. An experience, not an expectation. As we consider our individual journey towards self-realization, we can listen to the call and response of Chorus to guide our lives on Earth so that, when we meet death and experience how the soul moves outside of our earthly vessel – we have a diaspora of understanding about the Great Mysteries that swirled amongst us all along. 


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


4 - Emperor


6 - Other