6 - Other

Major Minor Court

For many of us one of the greatest risks we take, and richest rewards we gain, comes from the agreement made to form relationship with an energy outside of ourselves. We choose Other. The unfamiliar, mysterious, uncertain, and thrilling aspect of something, perhaps someone, outside of ourselves. To make this choice is to abandon the known, safe, single-track path for a twisting trail surrounded by deep dark woods. A place where to solely watch the ego of our own two feet is to miss the wildness all around. This wildness is the presence of Spirit, the love and divinity that abides in us that we cannot name or know until we see and experience it externally. Unity with Other, who or whatever that may be – is the juncture where we are allowed a glimpse of this and all that expands beyond what the earthly body can sense.   


Unity does not have to be woven with an earthly being. It can unfurl within the metaphysical plane. The conscious mind alchemizes with the unconscious mind, giving rise to the super conscious. Thought beyond logic. Dreams condensed to ideas. A glimmering mirror shard mirror with which we can finally see the reflected truth of what we are capable of. 

Choose freely, choose wisely, choose to open.  


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


5 - Chorus


7 - Chariot