7 - Chariot

Major Minor Court

Consider; we encounter Ocean. Upon sight, we may briefly appreciate its rolling whitecaps and roaring exhalations before we name it, feel comforted by classification, and continue. By this habit of naming, the world becomes more ordered, less wild. Often in the human story, with naming comes a sense of ownership. Consider; colonizers arrive to a land unknown to them and by naming what they step upon, the systematic dismantling of its former story begins. A place, a people, a way of being.

Names are created by language. Language holds immense power.

An antiquated line of thought believes that language is the separating factor of human from non-human animals; we now know this not to be true. Humans often use a mono-theized language to disassociate and analyze rather than be fully present to the experience. There are, as always, exceptions – as we see with the work of poets, prophets, songwriters. Their etymological connection is tied to something far greater and unnamed; creative works not dissimilar to a humpback’s mournful song, resonating through miles of ocean as he tells the story of his journey to far away kin. He does not claim that space for himself, and his travels continue.


A honeybee’s vibrational dance in a tessellated pattern communicates to her sisters where to find dripping nectar. She does not contain the resource for herself, she disseminates the knowledge for the good of the hive. These Beings use their power of speech on a 5-D plane to impart their will, as simple and powerful as the spare three lines of haiku that brings us to our knees. 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Who is to say All Beings do not have the ear of god? God?

If we are present in our body and with clarity of mind, Chariot does not pull us forward. Rather, we direct it along our path with the power of our will. Without freneticism, or panic of fighting against its tidal force, but with faith. By being in communication with forces greater than us. We do not claim it, we are in relationship with it. We wait for the swell of its wave, trust its movement and message, then swim with it to take us safely to shore. There is always choice; stay where we land, walk towards something new? Or powerfully swim back out and continue to move with the current. Focused, aligned, attuned.  


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


6 - Other


8 - Strength