8 - Strength

Major Minor Court

The thrum of our heartbeat is a powerful, magical force. The heart beats without much explanation of how or why. It is what our birth parents first heard to confirm our existence. We feel it pounding within us when we move our bodies through time and space. What constricts in moments of great pain and grief. What opens and warms us when we recognize love. What reminds us we are still here, despite the odds that may be stacked against us. A physical muscle, a hypothetical center of connection. A point of true strength. 


Strength is tested when we arrive at times of uncertainty. Something, or someone, may rattle our sense of self. Can we trust it? Will it hurt us? We can never truly say - but if we approach with compassion, softness, a quiet assurance in our own capability and desires? A union occurs. Something that was once frightening becomes our ally and guide. We embrace, and with this alliance we step forward. Heart led. 


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


7 - Chariot


9 - Clair