9 - Clair

Major Minor Court

It requires nothing of Clair to draw themselves away from the din of modern life. Easily they shuck the trappings of immediate gratification. No need to consult crystal screens for information and validation. No need for the dulling comforts of controlled temperatures. They want to feel the wind, open their eyes to the wide sprawl of sky, listen to the roar of silence. 

It is here, in the sharp cocoon of isolation, that they may at last commune with the softness of the stars. 


Clair is a way finder, but they must first create distance to then share direction. It is through their study and contemplation that our new ways of being are elucidated. The allowance of this is no easy feat. In a virtual world where we are umbilically connected to vast networks of avatars – to turn on, tune in and drop out may look and feel like identity dissolution.  But when the particles coalesce, in their own time and without constraint of conditioning, the form is truly free.

Co-exist with uncertainty. Stay in the discomfort. Find solace in the silence.  


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


8 - Strength


10 - Wheel of Fortune