10 - Wheel of Fortune

Major Minor Court

The molten surge of new matter, new opportunities, heave into existence. No one knows what, or how, the next chapter will materialize. 

The rewritten laws of gravity pull at Wheel, setting it spinning to reveal its secrets. Iron and ether, body and mind, fixed and mutable – all tumble against each other to reveal a new future. A charted fate not yet known. So often we implore our teachers and guides to illuminate our life’s purpose; we look to others to tell us how to be. Allow Wheel to show you options, and then decide for yourself. It may be in pictures, sensations, conversations. An open door, an extended hand, a de-centering loss. Regardless how it comes, it will rise to the surface to reveal itself. The power then rests within you to move by its rhythm towards the Mysteries.  


Release your hold on the expected, the manipulation of your environment and external experience. It is not up to you to determine what is order, and what is chaos. 

Is order not antiquated systems that hold those in stillness who are meant to dance?

Is chaos not the expansion of galaxies, the birth and death of stars? 

Wheel of Fortune draws you to center, to your Purpose. Forget the ground beneath your feet, and float into the thrilling mysteries.


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


9 - Clair


11 - Justice