11 - Justice

Major Minor Court

The isotonic sediments of cause-and-effect flow to pool in the bowls of Justice. As above, so below. As within, so without. As we turn our life’s circumstance from hand to hand – Justice does not question if we are in balance. Balance is subjective; our bodies are in a state of constant flux. The modern, emptying phenomenon of frantic seeking of balance is a byproduct of “perfect” conditioning. It upholds capitalistic belief that we are something that needs fixing. We’d best buy this thing, take this pill, book that retreat to attain it. Before even that, we must first work to the bone to pay for it, validate our deservingness of it. 

A ruse that dissipates as soon as it is looked at dead-on.


Justice questions if we are we in right relationship with ourselves, the lands we live upon, the community we engage with. Will our actions benefit the many, or the very few? Will we be fully accountable for our actions when we make them? Is it possible for us to create lasting, positive change by our actions so that we may be a good ancestor? If we looked deeper, thought critically, refused to settle – could we shift our conditioning? When wrongs have been made, can we stand in solidarity with those affected? 

To stand in solidarity is to declare that you are a citizen of this planet. That you feel love for this life and the potential that it holds for Beings of all forms. Justice balances delicately on a sharp, obsidian knife edge; a tool we can wield to clear away doubt, or the cobweb cling of ego. Trust the acuity of the learned mind, and the ethics of the unfettered soul. The breath between the scales is where evolution exists, teeming with new beginnings and a Just world. 


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


10 - Wheel of Fortune


12 - Tethered