12 - Tethered

Major Minor Court

Suspended in space, a loose lariat of Knowing keeps us bound to one place. If we struggle against this tie, the fibers tighten and our discomfort with statis feels unbearable. Time elongates, and there is seemingly no end to imposed stillness. In this age of rapidity and brevity to some it can seem nearly tortuous. 

If we accept Tether, the gentle tug to wait, our experience is wildly different. The lasso remains relaxed, so much so that we may barely notice it. In this place, there is peace. We may be held still, but all is in motion and alive around us. We begin Noticing. The soft push of wind, tendrils of moisture, licks of heat, wafts of earth. We see farther into the middle distance, gaze softened and grasping nothing as all pours in and around us.  

We hear with clarity the voice that sings within us at a pitch beyond humanly range. We attach ourselves to nothing, as the outcome is irrelevant. The answer arrives to us, without preamble. And when we can accept it, integrate it, possibly even name it as who we are now – the tether falls away. We let go.


“When you’re by yourself,

and there’s no one else.

You just have yourself,

and you tell yourself

just to hold on.

Hold on, world.

World, hold on. It’s gonna be alright.

You’re gonna see the light.”

“Hold On” by John Lennon


Ruling Planet:





Further Exploration:


11 - Justice


13 - Death