13 - Death

Major Minor Court

Sweet, sweet release. To finally be free of the trappings of something tattered, thin, no longer of service to our Highest and Best. In the stretch of our lives, we meet and know Death repeatedly. Sometimes with grace, more often with resistance. Most of us, particularly in Western-centered cultures, were not properly taught how to be in conversation with Death, and our pain is the result. We fend off its inevitability with claw and fang, unwilling to believe there are things of such immense certainty that we cannot talk or fight or fuck our way out of. 

But, Death is a facilitator. An arcing, atmospheric energy of transformation. It pushes what is done down into the ground. There, it is assimilated into recognizable organic compounds and reemerges as something of great use. The process of Death is miraculous, beautiful. 


It does not make it less painful. It does make it a part of us. 

Our endings should be met with as much reverence as our beginnings. Welcome Death of some behavior, attitude or belief. Allow Death of what you knew or thought to be true to allow space for what is truth now. By this allowance, we can grieve the person we were, and rejoice the person we are becoming. 


Ruling Sign:





Further Exploration:


12 - Tethered


14 - Temperance