19 - Sun
As we surface from the transformative, reflective saltwater of Moon, we could imagine the darkly shrouded skies lightening with the onset of Sun. Showered with warmth and vitality, the surface of the sea is alive and sparkling around us. The reflections are the love we have poured into our work, relationships, and self-evolution. This is a place of true joy and unadulterated bliss. Illuminated in this way, we are doused with optimism and wrap our arms around the solid body of Hope. Our purpose is pleasure, and our place is exactly where we stand.
Day to day our planet Earth, (in magnification; the fecund soil and our earthly bodies), shows the Sun all its faces, all its parts. Seen as a beloved, there is nothing to be kept secret. There is nothing shameful about us, nothing to withhold, no restraint to be maintained.
This renewed appreciation of life would not be possible without the contextualization and balance of mysterious Moon. It is by Moon’s contrast that we realize the lucidity of our place, that we are actually “full of light.” Sun is also linked to Chorus. There is a merging and triangulation of Chorus shapes, (energies, opinions, perspectives), that make this archetype all-inclusive. All answers are sung in harmony. There is a transformation into an orchestra, a symphonic celebration of spinning planets, exploding stars, and singing rings.
It is a time of radiance, revelry and union. Hail!
Ruling Planet: