2 - Intuition

Major Minor Court

“You are water I’m water we’re all water in different containers, that’s why it’s so easy to meet - someday we’ll evaporate together.” ― Yoko Ono

Joy is felt when we meet another and recognize that Oneness is possible. To commit, infuse, and intertwine energies is to return home. Both to the Self we have always known, and the vibratory landscape of creating that space with another. A partner, a lover, a guide, a teacher. There is the possibility that we have met them before in parallel lives, if turning the notion of past, present, future earthly experiences happening simultaneously in a great spiral is an idea we pass from hand to hand. Stay open to seeing the signs that this may be true. 

And say yes! Lean into what this may be. Rejoice. It is good to be in each other’s company. 

Rx: it can be vulnerable to open oneself fully to another and allow them to see our faults, flaws, and imperfections. The tendency can be to close up and turn away, rather than to risk not being chosen. We believe that you are perfect in this form. Align with the high vibrations of who you inherently are and expand into realms unseen, yet wholly familiar.  








Further Exploration:


0 - Intuition


3 - Intuition