3 - Intuition
The waters of the heart laugh the loudest as they round the bends. 1..2..3 and away we go! For a stretch of time, we imbibe deeply in merriment and celebrate all that flows to us in the form of like-minded community, fruition and collaboration. Grasp hands, raise our cups - to us, to us, to us!
Rx: there is much evidence to indicate that time is not linear, but rather moves in a spiral. The body may age but the imagination is as sparkling as a child’s. Our opportunities to heal from past wounds come up repeatedly, and each time we circle back we are a little further along. Energies and entities come into our lives and spool out again. This life is circuitous, a tidal flow and ebb, and rather than wastefully struggle to force our circumstance into hardlines of future concept - it is our work to observe the malleability of the place we are in now. The moment has come to step away from the triangulation of three and allow resources to pool for experiences anew.