4 - Intuition

Major Minor Court

There is only so much stimulation, interaction, externalization one can withstand before we are left depleted. Soul-anemic. The tool to employ in the energy of IV is contemplative distance. Step back, get quiet. We can hear Intuition most clearly in the din of silence, but it rarely speaks in the way we are conditioned to think it should. For most, it will not be trumpeted into our psyche with a megaphone or flashed upon the mind’s eye in strobe lights. It will be in the subtle, the etheric, the “ah yes, That.” It will be in the noticing. Separate yourself, find a place of solitary sanctuary, enter a contemplative space, and listen.  

Rx: we are taking steps to better understand how to touch back into Intuition. It may not mean receiving massive downloads, or channeling ancestral beings. Or it may? At the core of this work, there is perspective; acknowledgment that the tools required to be in touch with something greater than the physical plane are in our own backpocket, (on our backside, that sits quietly on the ground, while we breathe slowly and evenly).  








Further Exploration:


3 - Intuition


5 - Intuition