5 - Intuition

Major Minor Court

To truly live? We love and inevitability, we lose. All cannot be held for all time because our world quests harmonious balance, and how we are filled must spill over to make room for our own evolution. This is not welcome news because, as we all experience, there are few sensations more sharply felt than the exquisite pain of heartache. No space vaguer, deeper and denser than the vast emptiness of sorrow. In its enormity, it is hard to see anything other than what is overturned before us and yet…hope abides as close and as soft as breath. When we are ready, Intuition will help us choose what will fill us again.  

Rx: at long last we loosen our grip on the intensity of loss and honor the release and the strength it takes to surrender. Bow to the importance of existing, LIVING, through sorrow - because without loss we cannot see with true clarity all we have and are filled with. Use this new insight to its fullest potential on how to heal - as if from a break, and not a sprain.








Further Exploration:


4 - Intuition


6 - Intuition