5 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

The Seeds scatter, creating distance from Self and instilling worry, scarcity and anxiety. We are not quite sure how to locate what we need to bring us back to ground. Perhaps we even feel abandoned by the infrastructures that once gave a sense of sacred order in our creative life? We can choose to let our wits scatter and spiral into mental discomfort, or set our focus to simple, meditative tasks to bring us out of the frantic brain and into the grounded body. This act both quiets the mind, and brings attention back to all that we already have.         

Rx: we are viewing the scattering of resources as new opportunities, just as wildflower seeds are scattered on dry, seemingly barren ground. A wash of water, a soaking of sun, and within a few days’ time an offering of their first green reaches towards the heavens above.  We have found a new way of self-care and self-sufficiency.








Further Exploration:


4 - Gratitude


6 - Gratitude