6 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

The Seeds articulate in a balanced apex around Self. Hovering right within the auric field, their gifts are ready to be accessed at any time - we must simply be ready to receive them. In this co-creative life, the Universe is poised to give us exactly what we need. But we must always be willing to meet It halfway, and to give something of ourselves in return. This requires readiness of the spirit, willingness of the heart, and curiosity of the mind. If we shift into a continuous loop of reciprocity with all that surrounds us, we will not go wanting.        

Rx: we do well to remember that to enter reciprocity means to be in relationship. Healthy relationships require energetic exchange, balanced respect, and accountability for our choices and actions. If we find ourselves exhausted by the idea, or unwilling to share what we have, it is time to reevaluate our values and where we place them. Do we feel sustained? Where is our energy going? How can we bring this back in to balance in order to feel whole and well?  








Further Exploration:


5 - Gratitude


7 - Gratitude