7 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

Like grounded honeybees buzzing damp wings before flying off to gather pollen after a Spring deluge, the Seeds pause in a vibratory place. Waiting. Yes, it does take an immense amount of work to bring our dreams into form - yet our force of Will can only get us so far. An essential component of dreams is the sweet honey of magic; and magic does not follow the normalized rules of time and space. We must cultivate patience and create space in our heart and mind for magic to come into full expression. Only then can our dreams come true. Exchange frustration for curiosity, rush for patient observation, and lean into the old adage – Trust in the Process.        

Rx: we know Time is not a straight line, and yet we are charging forward, heedless of the greater plan. What’s the rush? When the urge is to heedlessly plunge ahead, that is the cue to sit down, breathe deeply, and question the need for a quick fix. Instant gratification is far less satisfying after the first bite.   








Further Exploration:


6 - Gratitude


8 - Gratitude