8 - Gratitude

Major Minor Court

In giving the Seeds all the time they needed in VII, we are able to meditate on the joy of our evolving craft. No matter how many years we practice the individual, unique skills we are blessed to offer to the Collective, we are always learning. The student becomes the teacher becomes the student again, many times over. There is joy in that exchange, and joy can be deeply experienced when we are able to work in the highest and best service of the many when we are carried along by the momentum of inspiration. 

Transform your relationship to your work by appreciating what you give to it as much as what it gives to you. Challenge the idea that it must feel like WORK to be worthy of monetary value. Instead, align with your own individual definition of what abundance looks and feels like.       

Rx: if we are in a space of feeling uninspired, that is a clear sign that we must enter back into the realm of the student. If we are not sure where to start, call from memory the play one loses themselves in as an imaginative child. Nurture an aspect you always wanted to explore. Set down the ego, the practicalities, and get curious.  








Further Exploration:


7 - Gratitude


9 - Gratitude