7 - Courage

Major Minor Court

The Heartlines clamber above the fray and concentrate their potency in a holding pattern at distance from external influence. The seeking of constant competition and leveling up is “prove it” energy. At some point it begins to mire us in paranoia and accusation. Question what it means to be at the top. Has hierarchical thinking ever served us in a way that expands our consciousness and worldview? At some point, our energy will need to humbly get back to ground – such is the law of gravity. It’s up to us to discern for what or from whom we are holding ourselves above and apart from.          

Rx: we wallow in uncertainty of who we are, what we stand for and why we are doing it. Do not be like Artax in the Sea of Sadness, giving up hope for something more. Keep going. 








Further Exploration:


6 - Courage


8 - Courage