8 - Courage

Major Minor Court

Coursing through our life with swift, direct, unrelenting force - the Heartlines gather speed as they home in on a singular goal. This is all going to happen quickly; physical or geographical movement is inevitable. It’s better to move with it, flow with the momentum, rather than waste energy resisting it’s pull. 

We will be presented with choices, and when asked to make decisions we must follow our “gut feelings” - the inclinations or sensorial direction that come more from the body rather than the analytical mind. Ultimately, the decisions that will of most benefit will be the ones made in the interest of what resonates most purely with our deep sense of purpose and contribution. How we are a part of, and participate in, the Collective whole rather than singular interests. This is not to say we dismiss our core needs or bow towards the tendency of people-pleasing. Rather, we move and shift in ways that nourish and expand us so that we are better able to stretch arms around what presents itself to us. We welcome what is transformative and become curious about shapes we can make with our newfound flexibility.          

Rx: there is a boundary-less aimlessness that makes us feel unwell and scattered. If energy is constantly moving up and out, we start to lose our center. Disassociate from our feet on the ground. Employ the tools to connect back to what is real and tangible. Mediation, hydration, journaling, connection to Nature – all are ways to remember where our physical bodies exist and aids to gather our energies back to us. 








Further Exploration:


7 - Courage


9 - Courage