9 - Courage

Major Minor Court

The pyre of the Heartlines pile and build to the apex of combustion. There is an immense amount of energy being expended; it’s only by our conditioning and strength of will that we maintain this pace for any length of time. But, we can do it because we realize the circumstance is finite. No wildfire can go on forever - but until there is a cleansing rain, or our resource are spent and burned through, this is our current experience. 

We wouldn’t be challenged to such a feat unless Spirit deemed us worthy, and we were fit to do so. If the potency of our desires didn’t outweigh the fragility of the body. We find ourselves where we are, and realize we are fully capable.           

Rx: in the symbols of alchemy, an inverse triangulation indicates water. There is a dousing or smudging out of the heat that has built and climaxed. We’ve come through a grueling pass and are now allowed to take rest, take water, take stock, and gather our strength.








Further Exploration:


8 - Courage


10 - Courage