17 - Star
Star is a cool hand over our eyes, bringing relief as we return from the scorched earth of Tower. The water bearer energy of Star carries two vessels. The first, a container of the conscious mind. Empty, but not hollow - light and open. No longer do we grapple with what once seemed unfathomable, because we understand it’s not all entirely up to us. That we are, in fact, forever guided. The second vessel is the particulate alignment of starstuff, murky matter present in Temperance, that suspends within the unconscious mind. The active negative space between atoms is our continual expansion.
The pouring between these two vessels, in giving and receiving, by inhalation and exhalation – are reciprocal acts as unending at the tides. Lapping over our systems as we are gently led back into rhythm with the Natural World.
The moment’s pause between these exchanges is where healing amalgamates, and are the collected waters of Star. Our allowance and acceptance, without fear or judgement, has been hard-won. It’s time to rest. Be led into these pools where we may be cleansed and renewed. And when we are ready to emerge from the waters, we will be a fuller vibrancy of ourselves, full of magic to be shared.
Ruling Sign: