7 - Intuition

Major Minor Court

The mind is a crowded cacophony of choices, piling and tumbling over one another, making it difficult to see just what is contained and possible within each vessel. Could it be happiness, wealth, power, success, deceit, knowledge, love? Could it all be a dream? At this impasse of indecision, the question is not if it’s the right choice, but is it the wise one. Only Intuition can discern what that answer is for us and us alone.   

Rx: the choice was clear all along, we simply needed to take the time to consider the options and feel into what was right for us. To attune to “gut feeling,” for Intuition weighs in by sensations in the body. This is no easy feat considering how we are conditioned to engage in the modern world. It requires us to draw away from external stimulus, distraction, and truly sit with ourselves. This could mean inviting in resistance and discomfort, even if the sensations scream at us to move, to look away. When these are at their loudest, it often signals Big Answers are just below them. We hold steadfast, tap into the smallest sliver of calm, comfort, or centering that signals The Way, and then we ease forward.  








Further Exploration:


6 - Intuition


8 - Intuition