8 - Intuition

Major Minor Court

It is unsettling when, for all intents in purposes, our lives are full, robust, we have much to be thankful for and yet…there is a whisper of Intuition that tells us that something is not quite right. That we are arriving to a place where we need to make a choice, and deviate from the path we’ve known. 

There will be many instances in this lifetime that we will come to a crossroads. It is here we decide if, when, or how to give up what no longer serves us. Regardless of all the internal work we may do, rarely is this easy. Rarely is this graceful. But there is nothing more certain than impermanence. Lay down what it is that weighs heavy upon you and move on. 

Rx: an interesting phenomenon can happen when we are doing The Work; a rubberband snap-back as we spiritually lighten. As blocks are cleared, energy cleansed, and Intuition honed - we may suddenly find ourselves loaded with the unnamable heaviness of grief. Grief is a mysterious, changeable thing that may rise and subside on its own accord; erasing the place where once we stood, called home, called our own. It doesn’t mean you took the wrong path. It does mean you felt deeply for the place you left behind.  








Further Exploration:


7 - Intuition


IX - Intuition