IX - Intuition

Major Minor Court

Sometimes it just works out. The right place at the right time in the right state of mind, and effortlessly what is desired comes to land softly in our hand. Wishes, granted. The skeleton key to turn in the lock is our mind. All Spirit ever wants is to give us exactly what we want, whenever It can – but it must move through a capitalistic, class divisive, normative model of culture that makes it more difficult for many of us to receive it. So, we must dig deep in self-inquiry. Ask ourselves the right questions, become very clear on who we are and how that is expressed within the privilege we may or may not hold. With this knowledge, what do we wish for? What limpid waters of the heart may be offered in return? Will we be able to recognize and receive such gifts when they are offered to us? 

Rx: when we doubt ourselves and our worth, when we do not trust our desires are valid, or when we are not clear on what we truly wish for – wishes could rain down upon our heads and all we’d feel was miserably damp. No matter our path, the choices we have made and will make - we are deserving of a sweet and tender life. Nothing could be truer.  








Further Exploration:


8 - Intuition


X - Intuition